Sunteck Transport Uses McCabe IQ for Rigorous
Due Diligence
McCabe’s Powerful Source Code Analysis Capabilities Used to Uncover
Potential Risk
CRANSTON, RI - McCabe Software has announced that Sunteck Transport Group of Boca Raton, FL has selected McCabe IQ to aid in risk analysis to quickly and accurately assess the quality of software applications under consideration. They determined that McCabe IQ, with advanced static analysis and visualization techniques, was uniquely qualified to meet that requirement.
“Prior to implementation we wanted to know the complexity level and relative risk of the target software solution,” said David Less, Chief Information Officer and VP at Sunteck Transport Group. “McCabe IQ is the only tool that afforded us the ability to gain this insight.”
McCabe IQ is being seen more and more, not only as a solution that organizations rely on for the analysis of source code already under development, but also as a solution that forward thinking companies use for intense due diligence.
“McCabe IQ provided superb insight, as well as answers to our questions. Combined with the level and quality of support during our testing, we accomplished exactly what we set out to do. We gained a new appreciation for what the software can do,” said Less. “McCabe IQ excelled at making an incredibly complex software product and challenge not complicated, and exceeded expectations with deliverables.”
“We recognize these distinct opportunities that lay before us in the reemerging world economy,” said McCabe’s CEO, David Belhumeur. “Increasingly, companies want to identify hidden risk within source code. To that end, McCabe IQ analyzes the complexity and uncovers the risk hidden within target software assets, as Sunteck discovered. Additionally, our path-oriented approach focuses software testing efforts using rigorous code coverage techniques and uncovers security vulnerabilities missed by traditional methods.”
About McCabe Software, Inc. McCabe Software, the Software Path Analysis Company, provides Software Quality Management and Software Configuration Management solutions worldwide. "McCabe IQ" is used to analyze and visualize the security, quality, and testing of mission, life, and business critical applications. McCabe Software has offices in the United States and distribution worldwide.
For more information or to schedule an interview, contact:
Jon Palmisano - 401-572-3100 |

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