McCabe Releases Significant Upgrade to SCM Solution
Latest Version Eclipses the Already Agile, High Speed Support for Parallel Development
3/07/06 - WARWICK, RI - McCabe Software Inc. announces the release of McCabe CM 3.2, separating itself from the pack with drag-and-drop change migration, dynamic workspace management, and enhanced Eclipse support that includes seamless refactoring. This latest version of McCabe CM promises to save development teams weeks with every release cycle.
“McCabe CM 3.2 reveals the real power of change based version control, and makes complex release management as easy as drag and drop,” says Barbara Dumas, McCabe’s Director of SCM Solutions.
McCabe CM’s renowned Selective Migration has taken another step forward by providing even faster and easier methods for sharing change across parallel development streams. McCabe CM’s Stream View now allows you to drag a change from one release stream and drop it into another. This functionality allows a user to apply change across different versions in seconds as opposed to the hours or days it would take with other SCM tools.
McCabe’s enhanced Eclipse support features seamless refactoring, which allows the renaming of files without the standard loss of change history and auditability. “Seamless refactoring is an essential capability if an organization has any hope of complying with federal, state or internal software audits like Sarbanes-Oxley,” says Dumas.
In response to the 3.2 release, Network Solution’s Lead CM Engineer, David Platt states, “It's clear that a lot of thought and design went into this integration. It really takes advantage of the Eclipse tool and its features. McCabe has done a fantastic job. "
McCabe CM 3.2 is packed with highlights including improved workspace management, centralized product updates, multiple-version checkpoint and retire, customizable work environment, automatic base version calculation for merging, and change history drill down.
About McCabe Software, Inc.
McCabe Software, an industry leading Application Lifecycle Management company, provides Software Quality and Configuration Management solutions worldwide. “McCabe IQ” is used to analyze quality and test coverage of mission, life, and business critical applications, utilizing a comprehensive set of advanced software metrics including the McCabe-authored Cyclomatic Complexity metric. Our “McCabe CM” line of SCM solutions helps organizations manage changes faster and more efficiently to ensure quality throughout the Application Lifecycle. McCabe Software has offices in the United States and distribution worldwide, and can be found on the web at
For more information or to schedule an interview, contact:
Jon Palmisano - 401-572-3100 |

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