McCabe Software Honors Top Rhode Island Finishers in Annual Cyber Security Challenge
Rhode Island Company Awards Top 3 Students in the State for Cyber Security Excellence
Cranston, RI - McCabe Software was pleased to recognize the top three finishers in the annual Cyber Security Challenge this past week. Students across the country competed in a number of events focused on securing cyberspace, an arena which many are calling the battlefield of the 21st century. The top three students in Rhode Island were Adam Sowden of Exeter West Greenwich High School, Xiaoyi Wu of East Greenwich High School, and Joseph Caruso of Chariho Career and Tech Center, respectively. Each of these students placed among the top 100 in the country.
McCabe Software has sponsored local high school students in the Cyber Security Challenge over the last two years, covering the cost of participation for a number of Rhode Island high schools. This year, McCabe Software also surprised the first, second and third place finishers in Rhode Island, by rewarding each of them with cash.
“We are extremely proud of the Rhode Island high school students who competed in the CyberFoundations Cyber Security Challenge”, said David Belhumeur, CEO of McCabe Software. “It is our pleasure to reward the top three finishers in our state and to sponsor the participation of many of their fellow classmates.”
“We were pleased to join Congressman Langevin, New England Institute of Technology, and others in the Rhode Island business community to encourage the students to pursue a career in an industry that, while in its infancy, will be essential to national security as well as our economy for the foreseeable future,” said Belhumeur.
Erin Flynn, NEIT’s Manager of Admissions Outreach and Events as well as the RI Cyber Security Challenge State Coordinator stated, “New England Tech is pleased to once again support Congressman Langevin and the Rhode Island high school students who participated in the Cyber Security Challenge. This event helps build career awareness among the contestants as they see the importance of cyber security first-hand. These programs, supported by good corporate citizens like McCabe, give students the opportunity to explore careers they may not have otherwise considered.”
McCabe Software’s technology addresses the cybersecurity at the source code level, enabling software engineers to understand interactions and verify vulnerable paths throughout a codebase. This is crucial when determining exploitability, modeling attack space, and performing vulnerability analysis.
About McCabe Software, Inc.
McCabe Software, the Software Path Analysis Company, provides Software Quality Management and Software Configuration Management solutions worldwide. "McCabe IQ" is used to analyze and visualize the security, quality, and testing of mission, life, and business critical applications. McCabe Software has offices in the United States and distribution worldwide.
For more information or to schedule an interview, contact:
Jon Palmisano - 401-572-3100 |

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