Webinar: Uncover Software Security Vulnerabilities Off the
Beaten Path
Security breaches are often a result of interactions in software that, on the surface, appear innocent. Attackers can disrupt a system or defeat its security goals by exercising sequences of interdependent decisions to produce unforeseen and possibly disastrous consequences and unexpected results. Developers and testers can uncover serious security flaws in code by analyzing control flow paths and subtree structures, and verifying control flow integrity.
As part of a secure, trustworthy software development process, you need to identify and exercise paths through the code to ensure that program behavior is correct and expected. Traditional techniques for line and branch coverage leave too many security gaps. If security is important for your systems, you need a comprehensive validation approach that includes cyclomatic complexity and basis-path analysis to scrutinize risky code structures using data and control flows.
In this Webinar, you'll learn more about cyclomatic complexity and:
How connectedness, complexity, and extensibility make securing software tough
Which activities to apply first in your lifecycle to get the most bang for your buck
Why complexity leads to security vulnerabilities and breaches
How to measure control flow integrity
Ways to use static and dynamic path analysis to improve application security