McCabe - The Software Path Analysis Company                                                                  
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McCabe IQ provides comprehensive test coverage to focus, monitor, and document software testing processes. Using industry-standard testing methods and advanced dynamic analysis techniques, McCabe IQ accurately assesses the thoroughness of your testing and aids in gauging the time and resources needed to ensure a well-tested application.

McCabe IQ provides multiple levels of test coverage at the unit, integration, regression test phases including module, lines of code, branch, path, Boolean (MC/DC for DO-178B test verification), data, class (OO), and architectural coverages.

Implement Testing Standards
The key to successful software testing is the adoption of effective testing procedures. McCabe IQ automates the structured testing approach into your everyday test procedures to bring a new level of standards and confidence to your development projects.

Plan the Resources
McCabe IQ graphically displays the application architecture and all possible test paths through the system. Knowing the test paths in advance, enables the proper planning and accurate estimations of time and costs needed to execute a proper test plan.

Fact: No other solution can deliver the comprehensive test coverage results that your mission, life, or business critical applications require. McCabe IQ has you covered.

If there is trouble within your critical application... McCabe IQ will find it.

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